十三度酒業有限公司建立於2020年。由於疫情肆虐全世界,不同國家進入不同等級緊急封鎖,人們出門購物陷入困境,超市物資搶購與短缺等現象持續發生。喜愛紅酒的我們就在想如何讓消費者如古歐洲人一樣可在家中自釀高級葡萄酒,不用在冒著染疫的風險外出採購。於是就開始了我們研發套組的旅程 ~~~

13 Percent Winery was founded in 2020. During the time, Covid-19 was spreading throughout the world, countries were going into lockdowns. Commodities were often in shortage or out of stock. However, this never stoped our passion we have towards wine. It instead sparked the idea to create a wine kit for people so that everyone can like in the olden days make quality wines from their homes. Making wine from home also reduces the need to go out to shop for wines which could be in shortage. This is how our journey of creating our wine kits all started ~~~

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